Sunday, December 10, 2006

Premieres (rhymes with "Creamy Days")

Two movie notes:

1) Jeremy has (pretty much) finished The Great Pretenders, a film four years in the making about office politics and corporate ridiculousness. He was far too kind in giving me co-editor credit, being that probably only a half dozen splices that I made still remain in the film. But, it's good -- I've screened it countless times over the past three years and it still makes me laugh.

He created a couple of little teasers clips for it. (More here).

JC's nice (iWeb created) website is here.

2) Johnny and I (pretty much) finished editing Gender Redesigner last weekend. There's not much to say, other than I'm really happy with this documentary. (How could one not be happy with a tit-chomping, drag-kinging, cross-country romp?)

You can be our friend on MySpace -- our (very, very old) fundraising trailer is there, too.

(OK, so I realize there's no actual "premieres" in this post, but that's coming soon....)


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