Two Minutes, Two Emotions
2) Snopes, I hate you. You ruin everything pure and innocent that makes me clap my feet like a seal.
My Mom: Guess what movie we watched last weekend?
Me: Uhhhhh...I dunno...Brokeback Mountain.
My Mom: You guessed it!
Me: Really? Wow. Hunh. What did you think when Dad brought that home from the video store?
My Dad: I didn't.
My Mom: No, I got it from the library. I saw it there and realized if I didn't bring it home first, your father would spend $4.99 to rent I figured I should just get it.
Me: Never woulda guessed. What did you think?
My Mom: My stomache was churning the whole time -- sometimes I couldn't watch.
My Dad: I thought it was a "tender love story" (blazing sarcasm).
My Mom: Now, Geoff, did you think Ennis was actually straight?
(a beat)
Me: What do you mean?
My Mom: Well, he was forced to do those things by the other one -- the one who always had his eye on the men.
Me: He wasn't forced to do anything.
My Mom: Ennis got raped by him in the beginning.
(a beat)
My Dad: Ennis was on top, dear.
“Adolph’s Beautiful America,” directed by Geoff Gruetzmacher, is the story of Western swing singer Adolph Hofner, the first man to have a hit with “Cotton-Eyed Joe,” who responded to fame by deciding to sing in his native Czech. Built mostly on the traditional documentary mix of archival stills and interviews, with staid POVs and setups, it’s a mildly entertaining story of a musical footnote.
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